Create your Local Discount Club & Mobile App
What is is a community of privileged consumers who shop smart using an Online Directory and exclusive Mobile App that enables them to find special discounts, deals and freebies that are only available to OGIdiscounts members. Members have the unique benefit of shaping their own Loyalty Club by choosing the Businesses and Professionals that offer their products and services to other members.
You can build your own local or worldwide Discount Club by becoming a member and you also get access to thousands of available discounts that other members have brought to the club.

How would you like to have an application that would help you find available Discounts, Deals and Freebies for your favorite products and services around you easily?

Discounts & Deals in your local shops
A worldwide discount club
Everybody shops. Whatever the type of consumer you are, OGIdiscounts will help you save on your daily shopping without changing what you shop for, or where you shop for it. Take control of what you spend for products and services you purchase every day by using the combined purchasing power of a Global Loyalty Club.
Members of OGIdiscounts get special discounts from our Merchants
Introduce OGIdiscounts to 3 new members and never pay again
If there are no Merchants in your area you can introduce new ones
If you introduce new merchants you get amazing bonuses
OGIbiz tools help your business go on-line with 13 clicks
Easy to use online presence for businesses
The essential e-presence that small and medium-sized businesses need, for a fraction of the cost. OGIbiz offers hosting and tools for easy website and e-shop creation, as well as free promotion to active shoppers through an Online Directory and Mobile Application.
Website Creation Platform: Create your website with 6 clicks
E-shop Creation Platform
Publish your deals and offers online
List your business in our Mobile App

Members have access to OGIdiscounts on the Go from their Smartphones
OGIdiscounts Mobile App
Subscribers of can enjoy all the benefits of the club, on the go from their Android Devices. Discounts, Deals and Freebies can now be found on the map. Shopping Network is now on your hands and you can show it to your friends or even send them an invitation to join.